After the election of our region for the pilot project to introduce the Information System for Energy Management (ISEM) in Serbia, the news of the successful application process in two public calls arrived.
RDA Srem with the project „Integrated Irrigation Srem region“ has applied for a grant in the framework of support for regional and local development in the 2013 for a measure of increasing regional and local competitiveness and of co-financing the participation of accredited regional development agencies and local government units in the implementation of regional and local projects
Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government, under the competition, made a decision to co-finance the project RDA Srem worth 1,500,000 RSD. The right for co-financing have all the partners in proportion to the share, and the project owner is responsible for the allocation of resources and funds received for the project.
At the same time, RDA Srem received the support of the Secretariat of Finance in 47,193.20 EUR during the public call for participation in co-financed projects by EU funds.
Once again, it has been confirmed that the work of RDA Srem is well recognized and acknowledged as a project-oriented particularly for projects that have been selected and awarded by the European Union with a support of our Ministries and the Secretariats.