Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is implementing the project of introducing an information system for Energy Management (ISEM) in public buildings.
Trainings in the municipalities in Srem were held from 9th December to 14th December 2013 in cooperation with the Regional Development Agency Srem, who coordinated the municipalities and participants in the Srem region. Regional Development Agency Srem now demonstrated proactive in terms of projects on the topic of energy efficiency, which resulted with the choice of Srem as a pilot region for the introduction of ISEM.
It is very complex web application that is intended for municipal energy managers and technical persons in large public buildings, and for monitoring energy and water consumption in public buildings (schools, hospitals, day care centres, administrative buildings, etc.) and as such, it is important tool for the implementation of energy management systems in municipalities.
The project is jointly implemented by UNDP and MERZ and it will include training for about one hundred final beneficiaries from the pilot municipalities within the two districts (Srem and Rasina). This project will provide training for interpretation of data, data entry using the local administrator ISEM, testing functionality and design suggestions for adjustments in terms of adapting to some specific work in Serbia. UNDP experts for ISEM from Croatia will carry out the trainings.