OLD_NEWS_ENGFirst training for energy managers


As part of the project „Capacity building energy management in the municipalities of Stara Pazova and Ruma in order to use and invest in renewable energy resources,“ the first, of six planned, training project was held in in Stara Pazova. The training attended energy managers and employees in the Department of urban planning and environmental protection of these municipalities.
The main topic of the training was the Law on planning and construction, with special emphasis on the legal framework for the establishment of energy efficiency measures and the concept of energy certificates and it was presented by Djordje Misic, Adviser to the Minister of Environment, Mining and Spatial planning. A questionnaire was also presented on the biomass potential to produce biogas, which is very important from the point of collecting and creating a database of biomass resources for the municipality of Stara Pazova and Ruma, which is the goal of this project. Sanja Stupar, project manager for the Regional Development Agency Srem, which is also the coordinator of this project, presented the questionnaire that was designed by a team of RDA Srem.

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