OLD_NEWS_ENGJoint press conference on the NIP project

Press conference NIP 2012

A joint press conference was held in the premises of the RDA Srem agency on approval of the project within the NIP 2012 – Detailed Design of the Main Pipelines in the Regional Water Supply System „Eastern Srem“. The conference organized Director of RDA Srem, Mr Milan Miric, Mayor of the municipality Ruma, Mr Goran Vukovic and Mayor of the municipality Irig, Mr Vladimir Petrovic.
Director of the RDA Srem has introduced the basic concept of the project to the journalists, the manner of the implementation of the project and the role of RDA Srem in it. In the following period, it would be necessary to define specific activities and assignments in order to define the project objective and announce public call for procurements in accordance with the laws.
RDA Srem agency and municipalities Irig and Ruma, the beneficiaries of this project, will implement all phases of the project cycle together. Total project cost is 6.936.000 RSD.

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