When it comes to this segment, the Agency will especially monitor the needs to increase the competitiveness and productivity of the workforce in the area of Srem through the analysis of the necessary training needs, improving human resource management in companies, professional career development, etc. Main activities within this sector will present project activities that will enable more competitive economic activity in the district, which will include:
Within this sector, the basic intention of the Agency will go in the direction of rural development, agriculture and tourism. This will primarily include encouragement and support for all projects that include the improvement of life and work in the countryside, modern agricultural production and standardization, innovation, renewable energy sources in agriculture, education and networking. improving the tourist offer, more efficient use of potential in tourism, designing new tourist products in Srem, development of tourist routes, employment through tourism, as well as good promotion of the destination. The goal is to establish a creative system of public-private partnership in the tourism sector.
This sector will support projects in the field of infrastructure development, environmental protection, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. The main task of this sector is to improve the quality of life of citizens in the Srem district, but also to achieve the competitiveness of the region and attractiveness to investors. Within the sector, inter-municipal infrastructure projects are identified, as well as support is provided in the identification and attraction of funds for financing projects in the field of infrastructure and environmental protection. Given that the Srem District has signed an inter-municipal agreement in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, the Agency will coordinate projects and encourage the implementation of EE and RES.